There are heaps of recipes out here for green juice, so I don't expect much more from writing this today than hopefully inspiring you to reach for your juicer or blender and get juicing! A green juice can be as sweet or as hardcore green as you wish, and contain whatever combination of green leafy veggies and sweet fruits you have to hand. Leafy green veggies are high in chlorophyll, which makes their beautiful green colour. Chlorophyll in our diet is very cleansing for our blood, and especially good for us when we are in need of a cleanse (the beginning if spring is a great time to do this). The molecule structure of chlorophyll is almost exactly the same as the hemoglobin in our blood except for the center atom. In hemoglobin this is iron, whereas in chlorophyll it is magnesium. This means that when ingested, chlorophyll actually helps to do the job of hemoglobin (hemoglobin is so vital to the health of our blood – in fact, blood is approx 75% hemoglobin). Other benefits of chlorophyll include antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, helping the delivery of magnesium, contains vitamins A, K, calcium, folic acid, iron and protein, helps against blood sugar imbalances, relieves gastric ulcers, improves bowel movements and improves milk production in lactating mothers!
I have been getting back into my green juices after the winter when all I wanted was hot food. I feel a daily green juice has helped rejuvenate and hydrate me after the birth of our baby, and get some much needed iron back into my system. Not only that, they taste amazing! I like to 'juice' in my vitamix (high-speed blender) although if you have a masticating juicer, you can juice almost any leafy greens in that too. I have given instructions on how to use a blender to make juice in the recipe below. The ingredients I have used are purely suggestions only. I generally use what ever is in season or in my fridge at the time and urge you to do the same! Happy juicing!
Go-go Green juice
Makes 1 large glassful
2 stalks celery
¼ cucumber
8-10 leaves kale, chard,
spinach or a few handfuls of mixed leafy greens
Small bunch of parsley
½ apple, quartered
½ a lemon, outer skin removed
In your blender, put ½ cup of water and the lemon. On top add the celery
chopped into sticks, cucumber and carrots, and blend until the consistency of
apple sauce. Add the green leaves and parsley, and blend again until all
Pour the mixture into nut milk bag over a large bowl, and squeeze the
bag until all the liquid comes out and the bag is just left with dry pulp. This
will be a bit harder than with nut milks as the mixture is thicker, but it’s
great fun and gets you literally hands on with your juice! Compost the pulp and pour the juice into a big glass, sit back and enjoy, preferably outside or by a sunny window!
My Green juice with the Go-Go! Cucumber, celery, kale, apple and lemon.
My Little girl, born 27/02/13.. Happy bubba and happy mumma! ♥
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